How to Order

Find Your Gift

Browse your gift items from Gifts categories, click any of the categories like "Flowers" ,"Cakes" , "Chocolates" etc .

Select Gift

Buy Now - Add it to your Shopping Basket

The Shopping Basket is where you store items you intend to buy. You can always delete items from the Shopping Basket. When you find what you want (or what you might want) click the "Add to Cart" button on the item's product information page.

Buy NowAdd on Proceed to Shopping Basket

To Shopping Basket

Click in the quantity box and type in the new quantity, then click the "Update Order" button. The quantity and the totals will be updated. Whenever you make a change in your cart, such as changing a quantity or personalization, you must click "Update Cart" before you checkout.

Shopping Basket

Sign / New User Sign up

If you are new at, you have to create account by entering your billing information. Once you created account you have activate your account by login through your email.

Check EmailAccount ActivatedShipping Address

You need to add Shipping Address

Add Shipping AddressShipping Address Insert

Delivery Preference & Check Out

After you've added shipping address you have select delivery option like delivery date, time, message on card, special instruction and sender name.

Delivery Preference

Discount Code and Proceed To Payment

After you've finished shipper and receiver information, you can get the discount if you have valid discount code, Now you only need to pay for credit card through (2CO) or you can also pay through Bank transfer.

Proceed to Payment


After submitting your order, You will be sent an email confirmation from our payment gateway "" , which will summarize your order and personalization. Cancellations and changes must be made by close of the same business day you place your order to "".